Sunday, September 9, 2012

Is it love?

I think love is ....

Love is something that can not be seen physically, but we can feel the presence and truth. Love, that feeling, that we see that the expression and manifestation of love it. Embodiment of love with an assortment of shapes and ways of expressing, some with words, actions, gifts, and so on.

Love is like the air, we can not see the form of fact, but we can feel its presence. All of these people need love and have love, lying if someone says that he has not had another love in his heart, because love was in once in the heart, so deep, that sometimes we do not realize will appear suddenly.

Most evil, how cruel man, how sadistic people, although a dinginpun blooded killer, must have a sense of love, but sometimes they try to deny it and try to cover it up.

Love could be in love with someone, to something, the thing that sometimes we ourselves are confused. But that's love, always made us have hope and smile, and make us truly human, because there is no man who does not have a sense of love, even the slightest.

I love my girlfriend.
I love my family.
I love my country.
I love my neighborhood.
And I love all who love me.

What do you think, is it love?

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